3 min readStoryThe Malevolent Doll and the Haunted MansionOnce upon a time, in a remote and unsettling town, Detective Amelia Evans arrived to investigate a series of gruesome murders. Known for...
4 min readStoryShattered ChainsIn the dystopian world ruled by a despotic regime, a disgraced propagandist named Ethan embarks on a perilous hero's journey. Fuelled by...
3 min readStoryThe Maddening Music BoxIn a quiet village nestled deep within the woods, a malevolent spirit plagued the townspeople. Legend had it that anyone who came across...
3 min readStoryThe Phasing ParadigmIn the year 2150, the world was under the iron grip of a despotic regime known as the Unified Government Corporation. Digital...
3 min readStoryCursed Alchemy: Unveiling the Eldritch AwakeningIn a forgotten hamlet nestled by the seaside, a private investigator named Samuel, haunted by his past, is drawn to investigate a...
4 min readStoryThe Cursed ReliquaryIn a quaint coastal village nestled amidst rocky cliffs, a private investigator named Evelyn Hartley took on a peculiar case. Rumours of...
4 min readStoryEchoes of RebellionOnce upon a time, in a dystopian world ruled by a despotic regime, a clandestine guerrilla fighter named Maya emerged from the shadows....
3 min readStoryTechno-Justice: A Bounty Hunter's Battle In the neon-lit streets of New Elysium, a city governed by corporate overlords, an enhanced bounty hunter named Luka embarks on a...